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Chosen to bear fruit

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you would GO and bear fruit” ~ Jesus 

John 15:16 is like a mission statement for disciples. Our Lord Jesus has not only chose us but has given us an assignment. A large percentage of God’s people have not understand this very well. The demonic realm have taken us for a ride through their lies and deception. The disciples look more like toddlers needing constant assistance from others. Sadly the ‘one-fold’ ministries today promotes this kind of 'Come-to-Church' Christianity and failed to equip God's people to GO and fulfil Gods mandate.  

In Luke 4:18-19 our Lord declared His assignment before He began His work on the earth. As a warrior disciple we need to get a good grip of this truth. He has chosen us, anointed us, given us a task and commands us to execute it Acts 1:1, 2. 
We have been appointed by God Himself for a big task. 
Many of us are overwhelmed not knowing where to start because many good years have been wasted away in living a defeated life. Now no more excuses, we cannot complain further, we need to take-up our responsibility as disciples and continue the journey to the finish in the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Let us start by building our relationship with God, and be sold-out for Him. Speaking in tongues can 
accelerate our spiritual progress, this turbo- charges our faith. Let us consistently confess and declare God's word over ourselves, others  and over our situations. Be intentional to be sober minded to resist demons like a warrior and drive them crazy. Practicing these basic tips everyday can bring noticeable changes to our spiritual lives. Being part of a group (Ecclesia that allows expression of the Five-fold ministries) where there is a strong focus for body-life and expressing the gifts of the Holy Spirit is invaluable.

The time has come for the Ecclesia to rise-up and and stand strong in God. We are about to see amazing things happen in our life-time, the Lord working in and through us. The harvest is indeed plentiful and we are Gods best labourers for such a time as this. 

Will you commit yourself  to be a Warrior Disciple of our Lord Jesus today? 

Let us fight the good fight of faith today.

Kevin Gomez - Making Warrior Disciples
(Please feel free to email me if you have questions or need someone to agree with you in prayer)


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