The Holy Spirit is quickening the body of Christ today in a marvelous way to the 3rd reformation(of course I coined this term). A call has gone out, calling His bride back to the spirit and the word of gathering and living the body life. I see a generation of disciples rising up to know and understand this move. The Church today has the potential to write her own book of the acts of the Holy Spirit. House to house is where this move will begin Acts 20:20. In the years to come there will be a greater longing for His bride to meet HIM in accordance to the New Testament pattern, increasingly at homes and in unconventional ways including virtual methods as well, using technology also to their advantage. Now does that mean that the auditorium Church model is utterly wrong and unacceptable? Far from it. The Lord will work in all settings and where HIS people gather to worship and grow in HIM. However, we lose out and forfeit the blessing of the spiritual rea...
Making Warrior Disciples
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