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Look Up to Live Down

If we were to take a snapshot of the posture of the Church today, possibly it can resemble the picture above. The Church at large are taught to  ‘Look Up’ as a way of life, the posture of eagerly waiting for our Lord to return and take them out of this miserable world.

Sadly the Christendom has been so indoctrinated with this ‘escape gospel’ that it has failed to prepare the body of Christ to be mature sons and daughters, to be the salt and light in this world. We have missed to know our Father's heart, as clearly stated in the Lord's prayer. His Kingdom has to come on the earth as it is in heaven. His Ecclesia  needs to know their position, responsibility and authority to administer His government in all areas of society and creation. Romans 8 gives the snapshot of Gods heart, for the Church to be the salt and light of creation, to bring His kingdom in all areas of life.

Today we must ask this basic question- why is there so much evil and darkness still prevailing in this world? Is it because that Yahweh  does not care? Far from it. The reason is, that HIS Church is ignorant of  their mandate and failed to administer as a King and Priest in the places of darkness.

Our Father wants us to grow and mature as His sons and daughters to govern and administer, to bring order in His creation. Look up and Live Down Church, we need to learn to engage with heaven. The earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord and His knowledge cover the earth like sea. His light must invade the darkness in every sphere of Life. This is our mandate and this our responsibility.

Keep Looking Up and  Keep Living Down as salt and light of the Earth.

Kevin Gomez


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